Instead of including a mixture of practical and computer-generated effects as in previous Spider-Man films, Spider-Man 3 is almost entirely CGI, sucking the life and impact out of most of the action scenes. While this might’ve worked in 2007 when the movie was initially released, the visual effects are distracting and mediocre by modern standards. A lot of money went into the special effects of Spider-Man 3, resulting in excessive use of then-cutting edge CGI. In most other big-budget movies, story problems like this can be somewhat forgiven if the action is good.

The movie can’t help but add another love interest as well in the form of Gwen Stacy (Bryce Dallas Howard), needlessly complicating the existing romantic sub-plots in the process.

Spider-Man 3 often shoves its main story to the sideline and dedicates more screen-time to these new characters, which is exceptionally disappointing.