I really had to stretch to fined things i didn't love about this game. Music composition adds stellar original scores and remixes. The design and aesthetics are gorgeous and memorable. The story is compelling and heartfelt, adding context to events of the base game. At the end of the day Torna The Golden Country is DLC done right. And even though the tedium has been cut back, some requirements like specific tasks for completing blade affinity charts, or gathering specific ingredients for crafting can become laborious if your attempting to fully complete the game. As stated before some of the side quests can be generic MMO type quests that don't contribute much to the story. I only have a few nagging issues concerning Torna the Golden Country. Finally near everything you need for interesting combat is given within the first few hours of the game. Some may find the mandatory nature of side quests to be a downside, but the majority are interesting and help contribute to the games overall narrative. All blades available are thrown into your party without tedium. The voice cast gives a remarkable performance (brought a tear to my eyes at moments). A new game engine has the character expressions feeling vibrant.

Torna The Golden Country improves on all of these areas. Poor localization with moments of sub par dubbing, Tedious grinding for side quests and unlocking blades, and generally slow pacing before combat becomes interesting. As i played the original Xenoblade Chronicles 2 i had 3 big complaints. If you enjoyed Xenoblade Chronicles 2 or found yourself somewhat wanting, you owe it to yourself to pick up this full fledged game. Torna The Golden Country takes nearly everything setup by Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and improves upon it. Poor The best Nintendo DLC ever made, perhaps some of the best of all time.

The best Nintendo DLC ever made, perhaps some of the best of all time.